PHONE: 410-752-7663



Our Services

Your Bel Air, MD roofing material does not get a break from sun, wind, rain, snow, vegetation, and wildlife. As people, we don’t think much about how hard our roof works for us until something goes wrong. By that time, however, something is very wrong. And, usually, very expensive!

Humans know more about the impact of sun exposure on the skin than ever before. We use sunscreen, hats, shade cover, and many other resources to protect our vulnerable outer covering. How about your home’s outer covering? Have you checked it lately? It works 365 days per year without a break. Maybe it is time to meet with a roofing contractor. Known and trusted throughout Bel Air, Maryland, DiBello Family Roofing has been the roofing contractor of choice since 1979. – So much more than a roofing company.

We Side with You and Your Home’s Siding!

Building science has progressed to the benefit of homeowners. Vinyl siding eliminates many of the problems of historical siding materials. We all recall the shortcomings of aluminum. Even now, a drive through many neighborhoods reveals the denting and chalking of aluminum siding visible from the street –  not mention a host of, shall we say, regrettable color choices of a certain era. Vinyl siding is solid in color all the way through the material and, unlike older siding materials (for example, aluminum), the color does not wear off the surface. Vinyl does not split and curl like dry rotted cedar shingles or other natural materials. DiBello Family Roofing includes siding to provide comprehensive exterior service to our customers. We are a roofing contractor offering a range of home exterior surface solutions, all of which enhance the comfort, efficiency, and value of your home.

Windows on the World

Windows frame our view to the outside world. Great windows are a simple pleasure. Gone are the days of clanging weights and sashes that fall and smash our fingers! Beyond the necessity of windows is the impact of windows as architectural elements. The choices of replacement windows are now equal windows you want to replace. For any style of house from any era, there is a new, efficient, and beautiful window for you.  The benefits of window replacement are measurable adding to the efficiency and comfort of your home. While the sounds of home are a comfort to us, at DiBello Family Roofing we think that the sound of wind whistling through a faulty sash is a sound you can do without! We are more than a roofing company. Your windows may need us.

Skylight Introduces Nature’s Art

In a place where the sun does not shine, a skylight may be just the cure. Few additions to a roof transform the interior of your home like a skylight. A flood of glorious light makes even the simplest architectural details stand out. Because the sun moves throughout the day, the hourly play of light and shadow is like art that changes before your very eyes. And, not just during the daylight! Twinkling stars provide a light show of their own. Modern manufacture and design of skylights coupled with expert installation techniques, make skylights a kind of go to for seekers of natural light. DiBello is a roofing contractor that brings you the sun and the stars. Talk to us about skylights!

DiBello is the roofing company of choice for Bel Air homeowners, 410-752-7663!

Why Choose

Phil DiBello Family Roofing

Our family-owned and operated company has been dedicated to providing fast, quality service. With 40+ years of experience, we have proudly served over 500,000 customers around the Baltimore area!

Family Owned & Operated
Certified Experts
Quality Installations
Dependable & On-Time
40 Years Experience
Seamless communication

SINCE 1979

Maryland Roofers

At one of the most trusted and experienced home improvement companies in the Baltimore area, we only use the best products in the industry.

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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  1. 1440 E Clement St Baltimore, Maryland 21230
  2. PHONE: 410-752-7663
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© 2020 Phil DiBello Roofing