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How to Prevent Water Damage to the Exterior of Your Home This Winter

With the extra snow, rain, and ice winter brings it’s vital that your home is fully prepared for the excess moisture. By preparing the four main points of your home, you can help ensure that your home isn’t subject to damage from the wet weather. Doors And Windows Before winter begins, it’s time to do […]

Protecting Your Home From Snow & Ice Damage

More than likely, the main focus of your home in the winter is to stay as warm as possible by keeping the cold outside. However, you must also be focusing on trying to protect your home this winter from potential snow and ice damage. There is no certain way to tell just how much snow […]

3 Benefits of Vinyl Windows for Your Home

Replacing the windows of your home may seem like a daunting task, but it’s an update that can bring you and your home significant benefits. As we’ve discussed previously, updating your windows can increase the value of your home, improve its efficiency, make it more comfortable, and improve its appearance. But, once you’ve decided to […]

5 Signs it’s Time to Replace the Windows

If eyes are the windows to the soul, does that mean that windows are the eyes of the house? In a way, yes, since windows are the primary way we allow natural light into our homes, and they play a major role in the curb appeal of the house. However, windows that are rundown, damaged, […]

Tips For Choosing Your Home Roofing

When it’s time to choose a new roof for your home, you might find yourself overwhelmed by the options. Finding the right match for your home’s roof is a critical step in good home care as your roof is one of the most vital parts of your home. Making an ill-informed decision out of haste […]

Tips To Designing and Installing A Skylight For Your Home

You shouldn’t let the winter weather stop you from making improvements to your home.  Right now is the perfect time to plan any home renovations so that you are ready for a spring installation date.  Skylights are gaining popularity among homeowners due to their energy efficiency and appearance.  If you are interested in investing in […]

3 Simple Ways To Conserve Energy This Winter

The official start of winter is almost here and outdoor temperatures are already dropping.  The winter season brings freezing and snowy weather, which will make you turn up the heat in your home.  However, you want to ensure that your home is running properly so that you are not wasting energy and running up your […]

The Never-Ending Benefits Of Asphalt Shingles

One of the most important features of any home is the roof since it protects homeowners from all of the elements.  Since winter weather is on its way, you want to have a roof that is incredibly durable and long-lasting.  Asphalt roofing is currently in-demand among homeowners due to its appearance and protective qualities.  Discover […]

Vinyl Siding Is The Perfect Feature During The Winter

We are entering the month of December, which means we will be experiencing frigid temperatures and snowfall.  You want to make sure that your home can stand up well to the drastic change in weather that winter can bring.  If you want to ensure that your home is well insulated and energy efficient this winter, […]

Winter Window Maintenance Tips To Follow

Winter weather has officially hit the Maryland area, so it is important that your home can hold up well through the entire season.  When caring for your home this winter, make sure you focus on your windows.  Having secure, insulated windows ensure that you and your family will stay warm throughout the winter.  The last […]

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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