PHONE: 410-752-7663



3 Energy Efficient Tips To Follow This Fall

Summer is sadly coming to an end, which means it will be getting cooler and cooler outside.  With the change in season, you will start to adjust the temperature in your home, as well as, some of your daily actions.  If you are not careful, you can waste energy easily this fall which can result in a costly utility bill.  Luckily, there are a few simple ways to be energy efficient this fall.

Let Light In

When it comes to being energy efficient this fall, you want to let in as much natural light as possible.  Investing in a skylight is a wise method of letting natural light into a space. Keeping your skylight and windows open during the day allows for sunlight to heat your home naturally.  This also reduces your usage of your heating system in your home. Remember to close your windows and skylight at night to reduce the chill from cold glass panes and to prevent heat from escaping.  

Check Your Windows

Drafty and leaky windows are one of the main reasons that utility bills skyrocket during the fall and winter months.  You want to check each of your windows and inspect them to see if they are working properly. You might have to install a plastic frame or insulated drapes during the fall to prevent heat from escaping.  If you have leaks or gaps in your windows, all you have to do is install caulking or weatherstripping around the framing.

Inspect Your Heating Systems

It is important that your heating system is working properly during the fall.  Make sure that the vents are cleaned and you change the filters, whether you have a furnace or a heat pump.  If you have a fireplace, make sure that the damper is closed when you are not using the structure. When you are using your fireplace, you want to reduce heat loss as much as possible.  So, you want to lower your thermostat to around 50 to 55 degrees. You also want to open up the windows slightly and close doors that lead into the room.

Phil DiBello Family Roofing Is A Leading Roofer of Howard County!

Since 1979, Phil DiBello Family Roofing has been proudly installing roofs, siding, gutters for homeowners in Howard County as well as Baltimore and Carroll County. Call us today at 410-752-ROOF (7663) or email us at for your free estimate and let us know how our family and make your family’s home needs our top priority!

To stop down and visit us in person for your free written estimate, we are centrally located at:

1440 East Clement Street Baltimore, Maryland 21230

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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