PHONE: 410-752-7663



3 Energy Saving Tips For The Summer

Summer will be here before you know it which means it will be getting hotter and hotter outside.  During the summer, homeowners have tend to rely on their air conditioning units leading to costly utility bills.  However, being energy efficient during the summer and saving some money is easier than you might think.  Luckily, there are a few simple energy saving tips you should follow this summer.

Rely On Windows

When it comes to saving energy during the summer, you should start opening your window at night to let cool air come through your home.  If you let your air conditioning unit run through the night, you will see your utility bill increase drastically. It is essential that you invest in window coverings during the summer to reduce heat gain.  Drapes and blinds are the most effective options for reducing heat gain during the summer.

Seal It Up

When you are not keeping your windows open during the summer, it is critical that you are sealing them properly, especially during the day.  You can easily lose energy and have a high utility bill by not sealing the doors and windows of your home properly. You want to invest in weather-stripping and other types of insulation so that cool air does not leak out your home.  Make sure that you are checking in your attic and seeing if there are any leaks that are causing you to waste energy.

Invest In A Ceiling Fan

One of the most effective ways to save energy during the summer is to invest in a ceiling fan.  Make sure that you install a ceiling fan in rooms you use frequently and to only operate the fan when you are in the room.  A ceiling fan uses about 10 percent of the energy a central air conditioning unit does, so it highly energy efficient option during the summer.  Make sure that the fan is set to spin counterclockwise so that it is pulling the cool air from the ground up and circulating it around the room.

Phil DiBello Family Roofing Is A Leading Roofer of Howard County!

Since 1979, Phil DiBello Family Roofing has been proudly installing roofs, siding, gutters for homeowners in Howard County as well as Baltimore and Carroll County. Call us today at 410-752-ROOF (7663) or email us at for your free estimate and let us know how our family and make your family’s home needs our top priority!

To stop down and visit us in person for your free written estimate, we are centrally located at:

1440 East Clement Street Baltimore, Maryland 21230

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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