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Storm Damage To Your Roof? Here’s How To Tell If Repair Is Necessary

When it comes to your roof, it is important not to take shortcuts. Your roof plays a vital role keeping your home and family safe. However, if there is damage cause by severe weather, it is extremely important to have your roof repaired as quickly as possible before the damage gets worse and to prevent […]

Why Roofing Ventilation Should Be on Your New Year’s Resolution List

The new year is here, which means that you probably have a list of things that you want to accomplish. These things may include dieting and exercising more, traveling to a new place, and saving more money. However, have you put home improvement on your list? One of the top priorities on your home improvement […]

Roof Sheathing and Its Benefits

The reality of a lot of newer homes is that sometimes they’re mass-produced and built too fast, meaning that roofing problems occur. If you are experiencing your first roofing issue or want to prevent one, you should understand that a roof has several elements. A lot of people assume that the two main parts of […]

A Guide to Protecting Your Roof From Ice Dams

Protecting your roof is essential. Your roof protects your home’s interior. It also helps to keep you and your family warm and safe from the elements. If you’re a business owner, then protecting your roof is just as vital. Just like a homeowner has many valuable belongings, you have many highly-valued assets within your building, […]

Helpful Guide To Buying Windows

There is a lot of choices when it comes to buying new windows for your humble abode. There are certain things you’ll need to keep in mind when selecting which type of window will work best for your home. Here we offer a guide to help you understand what to look for when choosing new […]

How to Keep Your Home Warm During the Winter

Is your home warm and toasty? Winter will be here soon, so you want to make sure that your home is ready for it. When winter weather is at its worst, having a drafty house is a detriment. You can warm your home by replacing drafty windows, among other things. Here are some ways that […]

The Significance of Skylights in the Winter

Adding skylights to your home has many benefits. If you love the idea of bringing in more natural light to your home, then skylights are indeed a home addition that you should consider. Not only are we roofing experts, but we specialize in window installation as well. From bay windows to garden windows, and skylights, […]

How to Safely Decorate Your Roof

Some people exclaim, “Bah! Humbug!” when colder seasons roll around because they don’t look forward to the bitter blast of chilly weather. Others rejoice because colder seasons are synonymous with the holidays. Winter will be here before you know it, meaning that you want to pay extra special attention to your roof. As Christmas gets […]

Gutter Replacement: Knowing When It’s Time

Having efficient gutters help protect your property against water damage, which can be quite costly. Cleaning your gutters twice a year may be necessary, especially when inclement weather happens, or when your property has a lot of trees around it. Cleaning your gutters ensures that they don’t become clogged. Even with regular maintenance, it’s typical […]

Signs That You Got a Bad Roofing Job

Most of us have been here before. We paid for a service that saved us a pretty penny, only to find out that the quality wasn’t there. Never let this happen to you again. Hiring a professional roofing company like us ensures high-quality service. You should take your roof seriously. It’s one of the most […]

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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