PHONE: 410-752-7663



Signs That You Got a Bad Roofing Job

Most of us have been here before. We paid for a service that saved us a pretty penny, only to find out that the quality wasn’t there. Never let this happen to you again. Hiring a professional roofing company like us ensures high-quality service. You should take your roof seriously. It’s one of the most costly parts of the home to replace. A poorly-built roof will only lead to problems, costing you more money than you care to spend. It may be hard to tell if your roofing job was of poor quality because most homeowners don’t spend a lot of time if any, time on their roofs. One, that’s dangerous if you’re not a roofing expert. Two, most homeowners only think about their roofs when they have a leak or other problems. Keep reading because we’re going to tell you exactly how to know when a roofing job is bad. 

Shingles That Are Damaged Or Missing Altogether

If a severe storm hits, then shingles damage is not uncommon. However, if you ask your neighbors if any damage happened to their roof, and they say “no,” then it’s clear that your roofing job has poor quality. If this is ever the case, then you can call us to replace your shingles. We specialize in shingles replacement. 

Black Stains

If black stains are evident, then this is a sign of water damage. Inspect these stains and look in your attic in those specific areas to see how severe the staining is. Check to see what issues may be a result of these stains. Isolated leaks aren’t challenging or too costly to repair. However, if there’s extensive damage, which caused shingles to come off, then there may be a more significant issue that could cause you to need a new roof. 

Hardware Issues

Hardware issues include the flashing not being attached properly. Any professional roofing company is going to not only install flashing but make sure that it’s caulked. Ensuring that a roof is watertight involves more than just installing shingles. 

Also, depending on the type of roof, different nails are necessary. Choosing the wrong sized nails, spacing them too far apart, or nailing shingles lower than they should be, will not only cause leaks but cause nails to dislodge during inclement weather. Want to avoid a bad roofing job? Then give us a call 

Phil DiBello Family Roofing Is A Leading Roofer of Baltimore County!

Since 1979, Phil DiBello Family Roofing has been proudly installing roofs, siding, gutters for homeowners in Howard County as well as Baltimore and Carroll County. Call us today at 410-752-ROOF (7663) or email us at for your free estimate and let us know how our family and make your family’s home needs our top priority! Remember to follow us Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to stay up to date on everything DiBello Roofing.

To stop down and visit us in person for your free written estimate, we are centrally located at:

1440 East Clement Street Baltimore, Maryland 21230

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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