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The Benefits of Vinyl Siding

Vinyl Siding in Baltimore

As a homeowner, you should know the intricacies of your property. When thinking about new siding, you may have difficulties choosing the best type. While each option has pros and cons, many homeowners find that vinyl siding has many benefits compared to its negative features. When looking for vinyl siding in Baltimore, consider the benefits you’ll get by installing it.

1. Variety

One benefit of vinyl siding is its variety in colors, designs, and styles. This type of siding can be made in any shade, which means that you can have it in any color to suit your exterior needs. However, despite providing the luxuries of plastic, vinyl siding can mimic the appearance of newly painted wood for actual authenticity. You can even install vinyl siding in a historic home in Baltimore as it perfectly replicates solid wood paneling. It is available in different vertical and horizontal styles, widths, and textures, ranging from wood grain to smooth. Vinyl siding is also elastic to achieve the right look for your property.

2. Resistant and Resilient

Vinyl siding  is made from PVC plastic resin, making it incredibly strong. Vinyl does not dent, conduct electricity, or rust like aluminum or metal. It also does not chip, rot, or warp like wood. It also withstands the elements as it is resistant to wind, sun, and rain. Vinyl siding does not wear down when exposed to humid conditions or shaken by air pollution. This type of siding is so long-lasting that some manufacturers provide a guarantee when you purchase it; it can retain its physical features for up to 40 years. But, the actual benefit of vinyl is that it’s resistant to sticker shock. It is also among the cheapest as it is a manufactured material. Furthermore, unlike wood or aluminum, installing vinyl siding is easy, quick, and unchallenging, which significantly lowers the product’s price.

3. Easy Maintenance

There’s not a lot of maintenance with vinyl siding. Firstly, it does not attract pests or termites. If you get a professional to install your vinyl siding in Baltimore, it acts as an excellent insulator to safeguard your home from extreme temperatures. You also won’t have to paint the siding as it is cast in a particular color, and the shade penetrates through the material. So, vinyl siding will not scratch, flake, or peel like painted surfaces.

This means that you won’t have to hire a painting crew often. Although it can fade every 5-10 years, you’ll only have to buy a sporadic replacement panel rather than an entire exterior. But, ensure that you clean it yearly with a hose or a power washer.

4. Environmentally Friendly

Since vinyl is artificial, it does not require mining for manufacture or deforestation. While other types of siding require natural resources to make, vinyl does not. Furthermore, the chances of it ending up in a landfill are low, and it does not require extra maintenance costs as it is long-lasting. This makes it environmentally friendly as it is a long-use product.

Common Repairs with Vinyl Siding

• Cracks. Working on cold vinyl can cause cracks even for professionals. If you are in an area that experiences fewer freezing temperatures, you can repair your vinyl siding anytime during the year. For people in colder climates, vinyl siding repair should wait until the summer unless it is urgent.

• Holes. If the siding suffers a string impact or is enclosed in a small area, it can get punctured. In this case, the repair will be determined by the hole size, with a small hole patched using a small piece of siding. For more noticeable holes, it is best to replace the entire hole.

Contact Us Today

If you want to upgrade your exterior by installing vinyl siding in Baltimore, Phil DiBello Family Roofing can help. Give us a call today for a free estimate. 

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