PHONE: 410-752-7663



The Significance of Skylights in the Winter

Adding skylights to your home has many benefits. If you love the idea of bringing in more natural light to your home, then skylights are indeed a home addition that you should consider. Not only are we roofing experts, but we specialize in window installation as well. From bay windows to garden windows, and skylights, we offer unique window installation options that can benefit any homeowner. Continue reading to learn more about the significance of skylights as it pertains to winter.

Add Extra Daylight to Your Home 

During the winter, it seems as if the days are shorter. It becomes darker much earlier. Skylights can bring extra daylight into any room, and make a dark winter appear sunnier. Some homeowners love the winter because it’s a time where life moves at a much slower pace. The holidays are something enjoyable to experience. However, some homeowners are much happier during the warmer seasons. If this applies to you, consider adding a skylight to your home to bring in some sunshine while you can.

Save Energy

Because skylights bring in extra daylight and warmth in the home, they can help to keep your house’s temperature regulated. A regulated temperature means that your heating systems will require less energy to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Not only is this an Eco-friendly benefit, but it’s a wallet-friendly benefit as well.

Skylights are Flexible in Design

The ideal home is warm in the winter but colder during warm seasons. Because a skylight can be flexible in its shape, size, and angle, it can adapt to current weather conditions. You can use this unique window to heat a space when it’s colder in the morning, or have the purpose of its design prevent heat transfer or both! Tell us what your needs are, and we’ll find a solution for you. Window installation is not a one-size-fits-all technique, and we’re here to listen. 

Skylights are Both Aesthetically Pleasing AND Functional 

When functionally and aesthetics unite, then you know that you’re making a sound investment. Enhancing your home with a skylight to your home is a sound investment because not only do you save energy and money, but you beautify your home. If you’re a homeowner that takes pride in bragging about your beautiful home during the holidays, then let us help you earn those bragging right. If your windows aren’t winter-ready, then give us a call and ask us about our expert window installation. 

Phil DiBello Family Roofing Is A Leading Window Installation Company of Howard County!

Since 1979, Phil DiBello Family Roofing has been proudly installing roofs, siding, gutters for homeowners in Howard County as well as Baltimore and Carroll County. Call us today at 410-752-ROOF (7663) or email us at for your free estimate and let us know how our family and make your family’s home needs our top priority! Remember to follow us Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to stay up to date on everything DiBello Roofing.

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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