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What to Know Before Installing a Skylight

Baltimore Roofing Contractors

A skylight can be a luxe addition to your home. Not only does it allow more natural light to illuminate the space, it also provides a unique view of the sky that can be enjoyed from indoors and add value to your property. However, before you install a skylight, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Not every roof can accommodate a skylight, so it’s important to get all the facts before you decide to move forward. Let’s take look at the main points you should consider about your roof before deciding to install a skylight.

What material is your roof made from?

Do you know what material your roof is made out of? This is important because some materials, such as asphalt shingles, are not compatible with skylights. If your roof is made from a incompatible material, you’ll need to have it replaced before you can install a skylight.

How old is your roof?

If your roof is more than 20 years old, it’s likely that it will need to be replaced before you install a skylight. This is because older roofs are more likely to have leaks, and a skylight will only exacerbate the problem. If your roof begins to leak, it can cause some major problems, such as water damage and structural fragility. Be sure that your roof is strong enough to support a skylight before moving forward.

What is the pitch of your roof?

The pitch of your roof is the angle at which it slopes. A low-pitched roof is more likely to leak than a high-pitched roof, and this problem would only be worsened by a skylight. If you’re not sure about the pitch of your roof, you can ask one of our Baltimore roofing contractors to find out. We’ll be able to tell you if your roof is suitable for a skylight.

Do you have any trees near your house?

If you have any trees near your house, they could potentially damage your skylight. Overhanging branches can scratch the skylight’s surface, and falling leaves can clog the drain. If you do have trees near your house, you’ll have to be sure to trim them regularly to avoid any damage to your skylight. If you can’t commit to this extra chore, a skylight might not be the best idea. You wouldn’t want a particularly bad storm to damage your home or endanger your family.

Contact Our Baltimore Roofing Contractors Today

These are just a few of the things you should keep in mind before installing a skylight. If you have any questions, or if you need help assessing your roof, don’t hesitate to contact one of our Baltimore roofing experts at DiBello Roofing. We’ll be happy to help you determine whether or not a skylight is right for your home. We can also provide a wide range of additional roofing services to keep your roof in great shape. Get in touch today to get started on your roofing project.

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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