PHONE: 410-752-7663



Winter Window Maintenance Tips To Follow

Winter weather has officially hit the Maryland area, so it is important that your home can hold up well through the entire season.  When caring for your home this winter, make sure you focus on your windows.  Having secure, insulated windows ensure that you and your family will stay warm throughout the winter.  The last thing you want is for cold air to seep through your windows causing your utility bills to rise.  Discover a few simple ways to care for your windows this winter.

Keep Your Windows Clean and Clear

One of the simplest home window care tasks is to keep your structures clean and clear during the winter.  If there is an excess of dirt and debris covering your windows, it can prevent solar heat, which you need during the winter.  If you want to greatly improve solar heat gain, you need to remove screens from your windows. Having a window screen up during the winter can allow snow to get trapped, which can cause damage to frame and sills.

Seal It Up

One of the most important winter window maintenance tasks is to seal your windows to prevent leaks and drafts during the frigid season.  Having leaks in your windows during the winter allows cold air to seep in and prevents your home from being a warm, comfortable space. This causes your heating system to work harder resulting is high utility bills.  It is essential that you check your windows and seal any leaks with caulking. Make sure to keep your eye on your windows weatherstripping.

Replacement Windows

If your window is still inefficient after caulking and new weatherstripping, it might be time to invest in replacement windows.  One of most in-demand structures on the market right now are vinyl windows, which are well insulated. Vinyl windows are energy-efficient, leading to lower utility bill during the winter.

Phil DiBello Family Roofing Is A Leading Roofer of Howard County!

Since 1979, Phil DiBello Family Roofing has been proudly installing roofs, siding, gutters for homeowners in Howard County as well as Baltimore and Carroll County. Call us today at 410-752-ROOF (7663) or email us at for your free estimate and let us know how our family and make your family’s home needs our top priority!  Remember to follow us Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ to stay up to date on everything DiBello Roofing.

To stop down and visit us in person for your free written estimate, we are centrally located at:

1440 East Clement Street Baltimore, Maryland 21230

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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Home Roofing Siding Windows Gutters


  1. 1440 E Clement St Baltimore, Maryland 21230
  2. PHONE: 410-752-7663
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