PHONE: 410-752-7663



Our Services

Like many old Maryland towns, Mount Airy has existed in more than one Maryland county. Though the town was established in 1830, it was in 1837 that Carroll County identified Mount Airy as part of Carroll County. During the early years the milling, canning, and sewing industries contributed to the growth of Mount Airy. The Mount Airy Historic District is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. Today the nearly 10,000 residents of Mount Airy work throughout the Baltimore-Washington corridor. Mount Airy is worth the commute. There are at least six well-known town-wide events to enjoy, which is why you need a trusted roofing contractor. Which is why DiBello Family Roofing is the roofing contractor providing Mount Airy the best home exterior options. You enjoy the town and festivals. We will keep the roof on!

Choose a Roofing Company to Mount an Offensive Against a Damaged Roof

There are some home projects worthy of having a go at DIY. Your roof is not one of those fun, weekend projects you can chat about at lunch next week. The damage done by a damaged roof is exponential. Some things are better left to the professionals and your roof is one of them. By any measure, the roof is the first line of defense between folly of nature and your home. A function roof protects your valuable investment and the important living beings who live inside. Wouldn’t you rather have a roofing company who warranties their work? Read about the DiBello Family Roofing warranties.

Decades of DiBello Family Roofing Serving Decades of Monkton Residents

We are here to stay and have served customers all over Monkton, Maryland. We are available for a site visit without obligation. What is great about a site visit is that you will see actual materials. The color and texture choices have evolved through amazing new technology and color matching. That means that if you are focused on an exterior makeover, the materials will come together in a palette. The palette you choose is the palette you will see in your final project. An even better reason to choose a roofing contractor like DiBello is that we have done so much work in the area, may be able to direct you to drive by an installed example of the exact material you would love to see on your exterior.

The Whole Exterior Transformation

While a roof may seem like something that rests atop your home until it needs to be repaired or replaced the truth is much more scientific. A roof is a system and that system includes a respiratory system. Yes. Your home must breathe for the house to stay respirated and so do the inhabitants.

Venting is one of the systems we check when we evaluate your roofing project. Proper venting supports your home’s ability to breathe and will prolong the functional life of a roof. If you are not sure about the currency or efficiency of your home’s roof venting set up an appointment to have your roof system reviewed by a DiBello Family Roofing expert. We are the right roofing company!

Call to Discuss Your Roof’s Breathing Behavior, 410-752-7663.

Why Choose

Phil DiBello Family Roofing

Our family-owned and operated company has been dedicated to providing fast, quality service. With 40+ years of experience, we have proudly served over 500,000 customers around the Baltimore area!

Family Owned & Operated
Certified Experts
Quality Installations
Dependable & On-Time
40 Years Experience
Seamless communication

SINCE 1979

Maryland Roofers

At one of the most trusted and experienced home improvement companies in the Baltimore area, we only use the best products in the industry.

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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  1. 1440 E Clement St Baltimore, Maryland 21230
  2. PHONE: 410-752-7663
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