PHONE: 410-752-7663



Our Services

Owings, Maryland is a large community located along the northern border of Calvert County, filled with a mix of farmland, single-family detached homes, and subdivisions. Time and the notorious beast of Maryland weather can wreak havoc on your roof. Have you noticed early signs of damage to your Owings home? Your roof is a vital part of safety for your family and home’s interior. You should get in touch with a professional roofing contractor before small damages turn into a catastrophe!

Don’t call just any roofing company in a panic. Call a trusted roofing contractor that knows the Owings community and one that you can rely on for all of your home’s exterior needs. Phil DiBello Family Roofing has extensive knowledge in the best roofing materials and protection for your home, and we are here to share our expertise with you!

Your Roof vs Maryland Weather

Maryland weather definitely has its mood swings and some rough storms throughout the year. All of the various climates and weather conditions take a huge toll on your roof’s condition. From heavy blizzards to full-blown hurricanes, you will need to take the weather conditions of your location into account when choosing your new roof materials. The stronger and more durable your roof is, the better chance it has at standing against big storms and bad weather. A strong roof is the backbone of your home, and we are here to help build it!

Don’t Bundle Up… Insulate!

Insulation is a critical aspect when working with metal roofs. They keep noise out of your home and heat inside during the winter. Insulation is typically made from fiberglass backed by aluminum, but stone wool, polyester, and sheep’s wool are also used for some roofing projects. Another important factor is thermal resistance, which is expressed by R-value. A high R-value equates to excellent insulation and efficiency of your Owings home.

Let Your Home Breathe With Ventilation

The temperature of your home’s interior is not only determined by your thermostat. Although your roof may be insulated well and retain heat, it can also turn your house into a hot oven during the scorching summer months. This is where ventilation comes into play. Strategically placed openings in your roof allow airflow and optimal ventilation. At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we know how to pair insulation with ventilation to create a comfortable environment in your home all year long.

Call Phil DiBello Family Roofing for a Roofing Contractor You Can Trust in Owings, Maryland

Reach us at  410-752-7663 or contact us online. A beautiful home exterior is at your doorstep!

Why Choose

Phil DiBello Family Roofing

Our family-owned and operated company has been dedicated to providing fast, quality service. With 40+ years of experience, we have proudly served over 500,000 customers around the Baltimore area!

Family Owned & Operated
Certified Experts
Quality Installations
Dependable & On-Time
40 Years Experience
Seamless communication

SINCE 1979

Maryland Roofers

At one of the most trusted and experienced home improvement companies in the Baltimore area, we only use the best products in the industry.

At Phil DiBello Family Roofing, we rely on our strong backbone of experience and knowledge to maintain our reputation

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  1. 1440 E Clement St Baltimore, Maryland 21230
  2. PHONE: 410-752-7663
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